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Facial Fillers

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Facial Fillers


injection of BOTOX is a simple, non-surgical procedure that can quickly reduce their more pronounced facial lines in a few days, as it is a drug that relaxes the muscles where it is applied, providing a more youthful appearance. The Botox does not produce adverse side effects, since the amounts used in the treatment of expression lines are very small and do not spread through the rest of the body.

Duration of surgery.

Between 10 and 15 minutes.

Who are the best candidates?

People with lines of expression that seek temporary improvement in the appearance of the eyes and eyelids.

Recovery process.

It is recommended that you do not rub the area where BOTOX® was applied.

It is recommended that the patient does not exercise, do not lie down and be maintained in a vertical position the first 4 hrs. after the application.

To return to normal activities.
