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Facial Implant

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Facial Implants

Facial molding, is a form of plastic surgery that changes the basic structures of your face, because it uses implants set out to create an attractive and harmonious balance between their facial features. In this way, with the facial implants are acquired cheekbones more pronounced jaw line, a more broad and strong, and you get the projection of a chin small.

Duration of surgery.

Depends on the facial area treated.

Who are the best candidates?

Those interested in a fundamental change of the shape and balance of their face.

Recovery process.

It is recommended to avoid any activity where his face is shaken or hit the first few weeks, avoid touching the area of the implant.

To return to normal activities.

Depends on the facial area that has been treated.

Chin Surgery – Chin Surgery

The chin is a very important anatomical point, since it is located in the midline and lower central area of the face. It is for this reason that any defect in this area is clearly evident. A Chin surgery produces a significant cosmetic change, both by the local modification such as the best balance that is achieved in the rest of the face, especially with the nose.

Duration of surgery.

Approx. 1 hour.

Who are the best candidates?

People who have a chin backwards or with lack of development. Or with a chin very lumpy in search of correction.

Recovery process.

There will be a slight pain and increase in volume in the area being operated on. There will be a small degree of numbness in the skin of the lower lip and chin.

To return to normal activities.

Between 1 and 3 weeks.